Join us - become a member
If you share our passion for this beautiful breed, you are welcome to join us. Make new friends and keep in touch with old friends through our shared love of Egyptian Maus.
Whether you are a breeder or otherwise already share your home with an Egyptian Mau, whether you are looking for your first Egyptian Mau or simply share a love and fascination for this beautiful breed, we will be delighted to welcome you as a member of the Egyptian Mau Society.
Simply complete the Membership Application Form and return it to the Membership Secretary. Payments may be made by cheque or by bank transfer. Please see the membership form for more details.
Annual Membership Fees
​(Electronic copies of AGM papers will be emailed to members but a printed copy of Mau Space will be mailed)
Single Membership ................................ £ 6.00
Joint Membership
(2 adults from the same postal address).... £ 10.00 -
Junior Membership................................. £ 3.00
Family Membership
(2 adults & their children under age 16
from the same postal address) ............... £ 14.00 -
Single Long-term Membership (10 years)... £ 60.00
​Joint Long-term Membership (10 years).... £100.00
Membership runs from 1st January to 31st December each year. The full annual membership fee for the year you join is payable when you join between 1st January and 31st October each year. If you join between 1st November and 31st December, your annual fee will cover membership for the remainder of the year you join as well as your membership for the following year.
If you would like to pay your membership fees by Bank Transfer, our Bank Details are:
Nat West Bank
Account Code: 13217712
Sort Code: 60-17-44